Travel Guide: How to Stay Bed Bug-Free

If you have travel plans and don't want to invite bed bugs to come back home with you, taking a few proactive steps can do wonders. Reducing the risk is easier than you once thought possible as long…

Ant Control Myths

If ants have invaded your home and you are looking for a way to overcome the problem without stress, you have likely found many methods that promise to help. While the internet can be a great source…

Types of Nuisance Birds in Las Vegas

Pest Control Solutions Inc. provides critical services to our clients in Las Vegas. Birds migrate through this region of the country all year, and they can annoy the residents and business owners. Our…

Are Bed Bugs Harmful to my Health?

Bed bugs are some of the most unwanted pests around. They can pervade your home and make it an uncomfortable place to live. But are they actually harmful? Can they hurt you and your family? The answer

5 Ways Scorpions Can Find a Way into Your Condo

Nevada is home to 25 scorpion species, but bark scorpions are the most deadly and troublesome. They are yellowish brown and measure between 1 and 3 inches on average. Homeowners in Las Vegas and rural…

Forecasting Pests for 2018

It's the same thing every year: Pests continue to invade homes across the country. It's not so bad some years; it's worse other times. The weather is often the cause for rising pest infestations as…

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