The Problems Rodents Bring To Your Las Vegas Home
Residents of Las Vegas can easily fall prey to mice and rats. Rodents are a common infestation throughout Nevada, and if you aren’t careful, they are certain to nest in your home or business.
As the weather cools down this November, rodent problems will skyrocket. Las Vegas is a wonderful city, but a rodent infestation can harm your health, your sense of safety, and your enjoyment of beautiful Nevada. Before that happens, let’s explore the rodents common to the area, the problems they cause, and how to prevent them from getting indoors.

Las Vegas’ Rodent Identification Guide
The rodent family includes rabbits, squirrels, and beavers, but only two rodents cause regular problems in Las Vegas homes: mice and rats. These two pests are easy to confuse, but they each have distinct traits.
Mice are both a common pet and a common pest. These rodents are smaller than rats and vary widely in size and color, but are notable for their round bodies and ears.
Deer mice and house mice populate Las Vegas. Deer mice are grayish-brown, slender rodents with big ears, while house mice range from brown, black, or gray to white, and have more slender ears.
Rats, by contrast, are rarely kept as pets. Still, they are common to Las Vegas, especially the Norway Rat and the Roof Rat. Norway Rats grow to around 11 inches in length and have muddy brown coats. Roof Rats, by contrast, only grow to about 5-7 inches and look darker and sleeker. Rats are notable for their slender bodies and long, fleshy tails.
What Problems Do Rodents Cause?
Rodents cause problems both by creating household damage and by spreading disease. Both mice and rats can cause serious problems for your family. Rats and mice rely on properties like yours to feed their young and build their nests, damaging wood paneling, pipes, and insulation. These pests will also chew through wires, and an infestation could force you to hire a costly electrician if they aren’t removed fast.
Additionally, no matter the size or species, rats and mice are dangerous because of the disease they harbor such as leptospira, Bartonella, salmonella, hantavirus, and the bubonic plague.
These pests spread infectious diseases in the following ways:
- Eating Your Food. If these chewers get in your pantry, they contaminate your entire food supply.
- Urine And Feces. Rodents leave droppings wherever they walk, spreading illnesses and making your entire property hazardous.
- Walking Around. Rodents can spread diseases simply by a touch of the paw. The longer rodents live in your house, the greater the risk of infection.
How To Keep Rodents Out Of Your Las Vegas Home
How do you keep rodents out of your Las Vegas property? You might be unknowingly inviting them in, so make your property as unattractive to pests as possible.
Rodents are primarily attracted to two things: clutter and food. If your house has piles of clothes, junk, or trash, rodents might move their nests there. If they have access to the trash or pantry, there’s an even greater incentive for rodents to move in, especially as the weather cools down and some pests hibernate.
Despite these prevention efforts, rodents will still make their way in. And, because they fit inside tiny spaces and reproduce quickly, mice and rats can easily infest homes in Las Vegas. A rodent population will certainly grow faster than you can get rid of it, and poisons or traps will never work fast enough.
If you find that a rodent has made its nest in your home, reach out to the Las Vegas pest control professionals at Pest Control Solutions, Inc., and we’ll prevent these furry pests from spreading diseases through your property with our effective residential pest control services.